Hey there! I’m a PhD student at the Program in Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences at Princeton University and a Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellow. My research interests are tropical cyclones, numerical weather prediction, and climate model diagnostics. Away from technical work, I help run Caribbeans for Climate, a nonprofit organization aimed at creating a network of Caribbean climate stakeholders.

Previously, I was at Vanderbilt University researching the use of computational methods in biomedical applications and a NOAA-CESSRST Graduate Fellow at The City College of New York researching the urban boundary layer.


Under review/in preparation

  1. Rios, G.; Arthur, R.; Wharton, S. Lidar-based evaluation of HRRR performance in the Diablo Range. in preparation
  2. Rios, G.; Ramamurthy, P.; Gamarro, H. Observations and analysis of an urban boundary layer and sea breezes during extreme heat events. in preparation


  1. Rios, G. & Ramamurthy, P. Turbulence in the mixed layer over an urban area: a New York City case study. Boundary Layer Meteorology (pdf)
  2. Rios, G. & Ramamurthy, P. (2022). A novel model to estimate sensible heat fluxes in urban areas using satellite-derived data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 270, 112880. (pdf)
  3. Rios, G.; Morrison, R. J.; Song, Y.; Fernando, S. J.; Wootten, C.; Gelbard, A.; & Luo, H. (2020). Computational fluid dynamics analysis of surgical approaches to bilateral vocal fold immobility. The Laryngoscope, 130(2), E57-E64. (pdf)

What I’m listening to
